
Smoothie Bar

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Fall is in the air. The season of pumpkin spice lattes, fall menus (who’s excited for the MOJU fall menu rollout!?), cardigans, dogs in Halloween costumes, and that back-to-school/back-to-work flow.  We know how it can be when it comes to change. It’s not always easy to transition into something new when we’ve been in the Summer mindset and routine. That’s why

The Great Smoothie Debate Smoothies. You drink ‘em, pack ‘em with veggies, make ‘em taste like milkshakes, you can even turn them into the most aesthetically-pleasing bowl that looks like a literal art installation (hellooo, Mother Juice acai bowl). And even though they’re a chilly meal, they’re also a hot topic that’s up for debate. The debate in question? Are smoothies

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